A Digital Repertory of
Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences

Some Statistics

Under construction (more to follow...)

Information gathered

Commentaries in the database: 1742
Known involved persons: 580
Anonyma: 514
Manuscripts: 2966
Early Modern editions: 54

Known commentaries per period

Most visited entries

The dataset has a total of 243693 requests since October 3, 3018.

Magister Martinus (1173 requests)
Guilelmus de Vorillon (1045 requests)
Johannes Duns Scotus (975 requests)
Johannes de Mirecourt (974 requests)
Nicolaus Succi (929 requests)
Henricus Totting de Oyta (868 requests)
Roger Rosetus [rugosusj] OM (864 requests)
Henricus de Wodstone (784 requests)
Aureolus (764 requests)
Robertus Walsingham Ocarm (735 requests)

Untitled commentary by Guilelmus de Ware [anglicus] (57 requests)
Untitled commentary by Hugo de Novocastro [newcastle? Neufchateau?] OM (44 requests)
Untitled commentary by Alexander de Alexandria (36 requests)
Untitled commentary by Franciscus de Mayronis (35 requests)
Untitled commentary by Bernardus Lombardi (34 requests)
Untitled commentary by Aegidius Romanus (32 requests)
Untitled commentary by Johannes Baconthorp (32 requests)
Untitled commentary by Petrus de Palude OP (30 requests)
Untitled commentary by Jacobus de Lausanne (29 requests)
Untitled commentary by Alexander de Sancto Elpidio (29 requests)